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Your Present Life Is The Result of Your Actions

Nigel G. Kettle

Updated: Jan 20

Written by Nigel G. Kettle -

Your present circumstances in life are a direct result of the actions and decisions you've made—or allowed others to make for you. Only you have the power to change it. Ask yourself, are you content with where you are in life today? Is this the station where you envision spending the rest of your life? If your answer is no, what are you going to do about it?

Stop blaming others for your failures in life. You failed due to decisions you've made or failed to make. Accept this. Blaming others, your family,  children, partner, boss, colleagues, employees, or the circumstances you were raised in is convenient, but it won't help you. These blame and excuses only hold you back. You are here because of your actions or inactions. Now, it's time to rectify them. You will be rewarded with more of the same results if you continue on the same path. When I was younger, my mom often reminded me, "You can't sow corn and reap peas." You are the pilot of your life. You are in the driver's seat. Your life will go wherever you steer it.

Fixing this mess you are in requires drastic action and a change of course. Changing your path will feel weird and intimidating because it is unfamiliar. However, regardless of how scared you are, you must dig deep to find the power to stick to it. Every fiber in your being will push you to give up. You will feel like nothing is working. You are not seeing any results. You are wasting time. It is too hard. You can't do this. Move over, you will start losing some friends and even family members. Don't be discouraged, better friends and companions are ahead. What is important now is breaking the old mold and sticking with that unfamiliar path to success. This journey is daunting. If it were not, everybody would be successful. Nonetheless, to reap the rewards, you must stay on course and persevere even when insurmountable obstacles confront you, and you can't see a way out.

IThe greatest challenge on this path to success is yourself; it is overcoming the naysayer in you who keeps encouraging you to give up, who keeps saying you are not good enough, not smart enough, and not strong enough. Our minds are often our greatest enemy. You must push away that negative voice every time it speaks and fill your mind with thoughts of success and the pleasure of reaping the rewards of your labor. Depending on your circumstances, you may even be faced with eviction because you can't pay your rent or mortgage. Everything around you seems to be falling apart. This is entropy at work. Remember, life's natural course is to go from one of other to disorder. Your success in life will depend on how well you counteract this natural force, a natural law or existence. Nonetheless, if you dig deeper to find the willpower you didn't know you had, hold your head high, and push forward harder and stronger, you will break the mold. It happens every day with others around us.  You can do it.  All you need to do is believe and work smart and hard. It will get easier after a while. One day, with great pride, you will tell your kids how you persevered against great odds and succeeded so they can enjoy the comfort and privilege they now enjoy.

For more information on how to gain control of your life, check out my book, “Balance, Counteracting the Obstacles in Life.”

All articles written by Nigel G. Kettle

I welcome your feedback and opinions.

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